Detailed game servers tracking and boosting services


Bid for special type of boost

Auctions info

More info about auctions
  • Auctions offer you ability to bid for special type of boost (usually for a week or a month)
  • Your game server wins if your bid is high enough. Anyone can bid for your game server
  • You decide how big your offer is, and we deduct that amount from your account
  • If the server that you bid for wins the auction the reserved amount of credit remains deducted from your account
  • If the server that you bid for does not win the auction, the reserved amount of credit will be refunded to your account
  • Once a game server wins the auction, the boost service is activated automatically

Active auctions

Auctions enabled right now

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Acrhived auctions

Auctions that ended

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Boost server

Do you want to increase the number of players on your CS 1.6 server? Try our new powerful boosting service!


  • It is prohibited to add servers which have Gamemenu hacks that modify default CS options (ie. New Game, Find Servers, Options, Quit)
  • It is prohibited to add fake servers which redirect players to some other servers
  • Please note that game servers that change essential game files shall be deleted and banned permanently
  • Disobeying auction rules leads to instant IP ban, account ban, all servers you added and removing your server from boost list before boost expires








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Counter-Strike 1.6

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